Active Recall With Walter & Francis

001 - Strata Curry (The Beginning)



In the spirit of NanoWriMo, I tried doing a burst of writing this weekend. I “wrote” 17 posts. Which by the end of it mostly meant that this is what I did:* Outlined a topic* Recorded 5 minutes of audio talking about the topicNow I’m going through each episode and writing some notes and scheduling them for the rest of the month.Here’s an example outline from one of the episodes I recorded this weekend:By the end of it, I was getting into a pretty good rhythm. Still working out a few things, like what audience I’m making this for. Initial ideas are (1) a newsletter for people writing newsletters or (2) a newsletter for creative people making something daily.I leaned toward the whole bias-to-action sort of thing and made the episodes instead of waiting around to figure out who it’s for. (Which, of course, means that it’s probably for no one at this point. Which is fine for now.)Now some show notes* I’m doing this newsletter to try to make something daily. I didn’t mention this quote in the audio but it’s from C