Leaving Laodicea

562 - Where We Are Now and Where We Are Going



What the Next Eighteen Months Will Look LikePeople see the chaos all around and want to know where we are as a culture today and what the next eighteen months will look like. As a preview, we can expect economic turmoil, especially inflation and hyperinflation. There will be deception, falsehoods, and lies coming from our sacred institutions. Jesus said to expect wars and rumors of wars which will lead to the downgrading of America as a superpower. Narcissism will become the mental illness of the land, and the church will experience the great apostasy the Scriptures warned about.In a word, our future looks dark and bleak. For each of us, there are three questions we need to be asking ourselves: One, what is the end goal or what is going on? Two, what is the Lord’s will for me and my family during this time? And three, why do we seem to feel or sense that time is running out and the time for playing church is over?What Can We Do? Live Like You’re Soon to DieIn June