Work From Your Happy Place With Belinda Ellsworth

Reshuffling Priorities to Prioritize Our Humanity With Belinda Clemmensen



Women can reshape the world. It’s time to challenge societal norms, particularly the undervaluing of women's contributions, including caregiving and household work, and it’s time for women to support each other and advocate for a more equitable distribution of household labor to empower women as leaders. After all, supporting one another is the key to achieving true power and equality. We have the ability to make an impact! In this podcast episode, Belinda Ellsworth, host of "Work From Your Happy Place," interviews Belinda Clemmensen, founder of the Women's Leadership Intensive, discussing the challenges women face in society and the workplace, the undervaluing of caregiving and household work, and the need for women to support each other. Belinda Clemmensen provides tips for women to rise as leaders and emphasizes the importance of reshuffling priorities and promoting equality. She also shares her own superpowers and skills and talks about her proud achievement of starting a women-centered organization. Beli