Repcolite Home Improvement Show

How to Painlessly Accomplish Your Impossible List of Fall Projects!



On Today's Episode4 Steps for Working Through an Overwhelming To-Do List [00:00 - 10:54]When we sit down and note everything we have to do for a given project or even a given day, it can sometimes be so overwhelming that we don't know where to start. Or, worse, we don't start! We felt that stress starting to build when we compiled our list of Fall To-do's to make sure our homes are ready for winter. And here's how we took that massive list of jobs and made it manageable!1) MAKE MULTIPLE LISTSRather than creating one massive list, break your list into smaller daily, or weekly to-do's. Making a list small and manageable is key to finding the energy to get those items crossed off!2) DON'T SAVE IT ALL FOR THE WEEKENDIt's easy to make a project list and plan on tackling that list on the weekend. It's honestly the default plan for many of us. But, if you want to ease up your weekend and eliminate the "project dread" we can feel as Saturday gets closer . . . tackle smaller items from your list during the week! Who k