Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

AI and its role in elections



A new chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to mimic the leading candidates in the 2024 presidential race is fresh on the scene. Users can query a candidate’s avatar or conjure up a one-on-one debate. We’ll get into the potential impact of AI on future U.S. elections and what some politically engaged citizens are doing about it. Plus, we’ll explain why the wait for your morning latte at Starbucks might be getting out of hand. And Operation Santa is open for business. Here’s everything we talked about today: “Conspiracy Theorists Go Viral With Claim Sen. John Fetterman Actually Body Double” from Forbes “John Fetterman would be particularly hard to body-double” from The Washington Post “Prepare yourself. A Donald Trump chatbot is about to be unleashed.” from Politico “Artificial Intelligence in Campaign Ads” from the Federal Register “Write to Santa Today!” from the USPS “