Blue Skies

Music Monday: Everlasting God



All my life I have been a church musician. I’ve played piano, organ or some kind of keyboard, and on the rare occasion trombone bak in the day. I’ve never considered myself a singer, though. I mean I have sung in various groups through the years and do sing along with the Praise Team in our Horizons service, but still, not a singer. Until Covid. Then everything changed. We went from a very low online presence as a church, to a 7 day a week presence. 6 days were devotions but day seven - that would be a Sunday - was a full blown Sunday service - well as much as we could make it full blown. Which meant music. Now providing instrumental music was my forte! Been doing that all my life, but I was getting request for vocal music. Hmmm.. Couldn’t really bring singers in at the time because Covid was just so deadly and no one wanted to come out to record. Eventually I managed to get one person at a time to record, and then I would mix all he parts together afterwards. But that was later on. So I decided to b