The Todd Herman Show

Dear GOP: if you don’t stop the W.H.O. and Biden I will never vote for you again. Ep_661_Hr-1



I will never vote for a Republican who doesn’t co-sponsor and vote for the Bill in the Senate to stop Biden from handing the W.H.O. power over us (note to the W.H.O. - I will never follow a single directive from you). The people who run Joe Biden are determined to put the Satanic W.H.O. in charge of “pandemic” responses in America. Satanic, really? Yes. They have pushed the sexual mutilation of children in western “democracies” . . . but, not in China. The W.H.O. along with the CDC sponsors pornographic sexual content in the schools in western “democracies”, but not in China. The W.H.O. demands abortion on an even larger scale, they want global euthanasia. They want--and are about to get--control over 194 countries in a “legally binding document.” If the people who run Joe Biden cause him to sign this Accord--which is actually a treaty and an unconstitutional one--the W.H.O. can grab power whenever they like. They can simply declare a “pandemic” because in their liar’s definition pandemics need-not involve a