The Todd Herman Show

Are your guns good investments and Seattle stories of the collapse of an American City with Zach Abraham Ep_662_Hr-2



As goes Seattle, so goes every other major city if Democrats gain control. That fallen City just agreed to a settlement with businesses Seattle let Black Lives Matter, Inc., and Antifa destroy. Taxpayers will be forced to cover their losses. Zach still lives in the area, I was there for twenty-years, so Zach and I discuss the environment that has befallen that City since communists took over and each share our “ultimate Seattle story.” Then, in response to demands from the Podcast family, Zach answers questions about mortgage risk, buying houses in this economy and if classic cars and guns are good investments. What does God say? On fallen cities like Seattle; they glorify and promote sin and lawlessness is sure to follow: 1 John 3:4Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.On investments, please remember that we are stewards, not owners, and we are called to care for those who need our help. As Seattle Settles Major Lawsuit, Media Still Insist George Floyd Riots Were ‘Mos