The Todd Herman Show

Let’s play at being academics and "credentialists"  EP_ 665



How can “elite academics” not see how destructive their elite theories are to the people they fancy themselves able to rule? Today, we play at being elite academics who worship human credentials. Take, for example, a radical communist and criminal-on-the-run, hero to race DEI elites, Angela Davis when she learns she is descended from Mayflower sailing, American-founding white-devils? Does she offer-up money for reparations? Not yet. Does she realize reparations will end up forcibly taking money from people with no family history of owning slaves to freely give it to people with no family history of slavery? Speaking of people who get to identify as black, did you hear the one about Meghan Markek being the first “marginalized” black person in history to effectively speak truth to power? Yes, that is the opinion of an elite author given a virtual PhD by the Mockingbird Media because hs is same-sex-attracted and went viral yelling about Justin Timerblake on social media. Will elite academics who believe PhD mean