The Todd Herman Show

Either the biggest bombshell in American political history or an elaborate fraud. Let’s parse it out . . .Episode_671



A 45:00 testimony in a joint committee in Arizona offers compelling accusations of RICO-level corruption that allegedly involves officer holders all the way up to Katie Hobbs, recently installed as governor. While I have no problem believing this level of corruption is happening in America--look no further than Pharma purchasing the Mockingbirds, the CDC, FDA, schools and the military--I don’t know what to make of the testimony and cannot judge it fully until I get to see the full report. Revolver News doubts the veracity of the report, but says the reality os probably worse. But, it is absolutely worth considering and analyzing because it would explain so much: why politicians adopt, push and defend demonstrably insane positions on crime, drugs and election security; why it was so easy for supposed “hackers” to steal Covid relief funds from separate countries like Washngton and California. Why government office holders refuse to do any actual investigation into elections that are obviously structured to invi