The Todd Herman Show

When the Nuremberg Trials for Covid happen, here are my questions Episode 674



I pray there will be Nuremberg type trials of Fauci and all his comrades in greed. The questions he would be made to answer, or openly refuse to answer, would indict him at every turn. How are the mRNA shots safe when 92% of deaths in in the UK are in the fully “vaccinated” population? How are they safe and effective when a massive test of 300,000 people proves the injections have caused 10-20 million serious adverse events in Americans, like giving people diabetes? Here’s another question: are we to believe no one at the CDC understand how lipid-nano-particles work? We learned this week that every oncologist knows lipid-nano-particles, when combined with medicine (or harmful genetic sequencing concoctions), take that substance everywhere in the body! This means that every oncologist who even casually read about the mRNA Covid injection knew Fauci, the W.H.O., Gates and the Mockingbirds were lying when they pretended the Spike Proteins the mRNA hijacks your gender into making ”stayed at the site of the inject