The Todd Herman Show

Don’t let their crazy make you crazy: since our government is run by malignant narcissists, we should probably get good at dealinEpisode 677



Satan was the first narcissist. In our fallen world, narcissists are running much of society. Consider the San Francisco Reparations Committee and their recent admission about how they came up with the $5 million per person wealth transfer to supposedly pay for the harms of slavery (but only where black people were slaves). Look at our Country having been put on the cusp of war for Ukraine, which The Party has forced us to adopt as a 51st State; instead of focusing on that, military commanders are making sure women don’t object to men being in their showers and men can get their penises cut-in half. Behold the narcissism of Congresswoman Cori Bush who has married the un-licensed security guard to whom she gave $60,000 of taxpayer money while she demanded police be defunded. With these factors and examples in place, we are wise to get good at dealing with malignant narcissists. I will draw on the Bible, our years in teen and family therapy and a great book called, Don’t Let Their Crazy Make You Crazy, for a fr