The Todd Herman Show

George Floyd, Jazz Jennings and the myths in between: a discussion of who we are Vs. who we become when we lose our way. Episode 719



The Left still refuses to allow the true stories of American tragedy to be told; they are immersed in a desire to let only Party approved tellings of who we become be seen by Americans. That is because they are terrified people will realize how God designed us. The Mockingbird Media and the White House magically turned George Floyd into a self-sacrificing servant and civil rights hero. On a college campus, mental victims of CRT blocked people from seeing a film that describes George Floyd in full, his American story, his “truth” if you will. The true George Floyd cannot be seen because seeing the true George Floyd shows the true American Left. They cannot allow light to fall on them, for God is Light and in Him there is no darkness at all. Jazz Jennings, once a little boy sentenced by his parents to live in a broken shell of a sexless body, is expressing the desperately sad feelings common to a person suffering from a deep-rooted identity crisis “I just want to feel like me.” Who can blame him? Again, the Moc