The Todd Herman Show

If you shut your eyes during a house fire you will not get burned Episode 724



If you shut your eyes during a house fire you will not get burned. Thus says the Mockingbird Media. If it’s not outright corruption, maybe it’s panic that has the Mockingbird Media hiding under their beds in our common house fire. Young airline pilots hare having heart attacks mid-air, some have died. That’s not news, but Kammi giggled and that’s good TV, baby. Young, elite athletes continues to die -- not news. In Nova Scotia, deaths are now in 1:1,000 population. But, that’s not news because . . . Trump. Senator Rand Paul questioned Moderna’s CEO who openly lied about myocarditis in teen boys--Doctor Rand Paul even said “that’s just not true”--the CEO refused to admit that stroking a $400 million check to the CDC creates perverse incentives. And, still not news. Former CDC Director, Robert Redfield says Covid was “caused by science” and warns the next (perhaps actual) pandemic will be a result of Gain-of-Function Research, but that’s not news. Oh, by the way, is Bill Gates still going about “warning” the wo