The Todd Herman Show

This week in post-divorce America. ATF demolished in under 3:00 Episode 725



This week in post-divorce America: ATF demolished in under 3:00, Merrick Garland’s boot-licking revealed, AOC has found the fascists! I believe God has allowed a final split in America. Yes, I think the divorce is final, but we cannot move so we must pray to avoid (more) domestic violence. A simple survey of the news documents our divorced state. The Supreme Court of Arizona agrees that Kari Lake gets to look into the silly, ridiculous signature verification theater … so, of course, Democrat bosses want her put in prison for tweets about that. Rep. Cori Bush, who wanted cops completely de-funded, but gave campaign funds to an unlicensed, armed security guard she then married, says The Second Amendment is nihilist, but abortion is sacred. Meanwhile, simple logic derails the ATF’s war against arm-braces on rifle stocks. Merrick Garland’s attack on Virgina parents was not just serving the glorious revolution, we now have proof it was to to try to save Terry McCauliffe’s run for VA Governor. But, AOC says the act