The Todd Herman Show

The Good News in the violent demonics trans assaults on women and the special status given black insurrectionists Ep 756



The Good News in the violent, demonics “trans” assaults on women and the special status given black insurrectionists.This is Brave & Stunning in 2023: “Peaceful” Red Guards “peacefully” beat and kidnap a woman but it’s okay because “trans” (warning, language at the link!) Riley Gaines, a former elite swimmer who watched her friends and competitors have their medals stolen by a mentally ill man, has become a strange type of women’s right’s advocate. Why strange? Because, in the spiritually captured world of 2023, Riley Gaines takes the position that women exist. For saying so at San Francisco State University, a group of so-called “trans” people and their allies--their Red Guards or Khmer Rouge--assaulted, held her against her will and demanded payment to release her . . . while the police stood by and watched. The University bosses THANKED the ‘’students.” So magic is the meaningless, made-up word “trans” that men publicly beating women is suddenly okay in the eyes of the spiritual captives. So, where is