The Todd Herman Show

How to start a conservative revolution with ONE tax code change Ep_768



If Republicans in Congress wanted to have a revolution for conservative spending policies there is one very easy way to get it. No, it’s not the Fair Tax, which I fully back and is making some headway, it’s an idea they could undertake more quickly. While I have come to believe we will never payoff the debt, I refuse to surrender to this ungodly level of spending that Mockingbird Media has demanded to 5 decades. Nor will I engage in the theater of pretending the IRS is focused on billionaires, not when Starting next year, a new IRS rule will require anyone earning over $600 on payment apps, like Venmo, in 2023 to receive a 1099-K form. The old threshold was earning $20,000 over 200 transactions. Tax Day is the perfect time to remember how the government uses our money. After Elon Musk’s Twitter correctly labeled NPR and PBS with the description government-funded-media, NPR and the like have run from the platform, not because they need it--only 6% or so of NPR’s traffic comes from Twitter--but because the vict