The Todd Herman Show

Reading the news with God (because I will fall into fleshly rage if I don't) Ep 815



The Mao and Alinsky inspired activists are getting what the Devil wants them to get: neighbors hating neighbors. Once again, it’s a made-up condition called race and, if you care about justice and watch the news, it’s hard not to give the Devil something else he wants: our anger. Today, I hope to practice the skill of going through news would make any thinking person angry while taking angry thoughts captives to Christ. Sadly, it’s a good time to practice this skill. While the anti-white Mockingbird Media works with the Maoists to pretend a man was murdered in a New York Subway train for being hungry, they largely ignore the case of a black man who decided to shoot and kill two white people because, he said, they were white.The separate Country of California has determined how much money people who never held slaves will give people who never were slaves but, they have added some bonus payments . . . people who never discriminated on housing loans or unjustly put people in prison will give money to people who