The Todd Herman Show

Food shortage as policy - fake food as the cure: vertical integration and fascism’s next business model. Episode 821



Food shortage as policy - fake food as the cure: vertical integration and fascism’s next business model. When they read about the EU destroying 3,000 farms and banning those farmers from ever again applying their generational wisdom to grow food, how many people think “it cannot possibly be true that the EU intends to create a food shortage.” These people probably think, “we have evolved as a species, we would never do what Mao did when he starved 30 million people to death” (that is, if hey have ever heard of Mao as anything other than a hero). Perhaps these people tell themselves, “we aren’t like Stalin, he was an evil maniac starving people in Ukraine to death, no one like that exists today expect for Donald Trump and Elon Musk.” These thoughts, of course, are folly. The same human sin problems that created these famines exist today as do the same evil spirits who prey upon people’s brokenness. Still, many people will not believe what is clear to see: Bill Gates and others in the fake food business are usi