The Todd Herman Show

Why finding Trump liable won’t matter the way The Party imagines it will. Taking back The Culture using the simplest of acts EP 822



Why finding Trump liable won’t matter the way The Party imagines it will. Taking back The Culture using the simplest of acts: sharing pictures and telling stories The Party cannot smell their own stink and they still think they can affect people determination to back President Trump. Hence, their belief that the finding of a jury in a civil case that, in the 1990’s Donald Trump battered a woman and then libeled here will end his career in politics. It won’t. It will simply provide more proof that D.C. exists to project D.C., The Party protects The Party. If Donald Trump did these things, and I am not persuaded by a New York jury in a low-bar for evidence civil case that he did, then he is paying for it, now. If he did it, he should pay. No man should get away with treating a woman like that. No Bill Clinton, Teddy Kennedy, Chris Dodd, Al Franken, Jesse Jackson, Anthony Weiner, Jeffrey Epstein, Woody Allen or Roman Polanski. I think I have proved my point. On the more global topic of the day: we need to get be