The Todd Herman Show

The Left has built a monster it thinks it can control Episode 830



There was a lady in Seattle famous for being a little rude. She was Russian. Brisk, would describe her treatment of people. She bought coffee where I did, on Pine Street. There was a guy who was always around there. He was famous for threatening people. Once, he started trying to kick in the window of the coffee place (it was a weird set-up, the window was low to the sidewalk). One day, the man famous for threatening people beat to death the Russian lady known for being brusk. Everyone knew it would happen one day, just not to her. Take that instance, multiply it by 20,000 and then multiply that by hundreds of interactions in a day and you might begin to understand this monster the Left thinks it can control. Give Satan credit for his scheme. The Left is using crazy people to topple society. They are using crazy people to punish protectors, both official and unofficial. Satan, of course, is using the people of The Left. It’s not the Monster of crazy people running the cities which will devour the Left, it’s T