The Todd Herman Show

They took their little baby to Children’s Hospital. That was a catastrophic mistake which nearly cost them their baby Episode 833



They took their little baby to Children’s Hospital. That was a catastrophic mistake which nearly cost them their baby. Now, they are readying a lawsuit. Bryce and Latoya Richards took their 4 month old baby to Children’s Hospital. As I understand it, the extent of the child’s medical concerns was according to the hospital: a bruise on the roof of her mouth from a fall from a changing table and fussiness. Bryce and Latoya have all the records, seemingly enough to prove it--including what the Richards believe are documents Children’s forged!--they have all the videos and recording of calls with officials. Bryce and Latoya ended up having to turn to a dear, trusted friend to secret Latoya and Baby Harper out of the State so Bryce, who had been jailed, didn’t know specifically where she was so, when pressed by a judge to produce her, the he could honestly say he didn’t know where she was so the Separate Country couldn’t seize her. Episode 833 Links42 U.S. Code § 1983 - Civil action for deprivation of rightsWhat d