The Todd Herman Show

“The” “Science” says this, But, The Word of God says . . .Episode 834



“The” “Science” says this, But, The Word of God says . . .A teacher screamed at students who apparently had too many questions about a speaker from the Sexual Left that “in a Democratic society” we “shut-up and go along with what the ‘majority’ wants.” So, what does God’s Word say? CNN ran a piece claiming, effectively, “the” “science” says there is no advantage to a kid having anything more than a single mom. The writer of the piece spoke of the advantages of having a single mother. What does God’s Word say? And, while I am at it, maybe CNN should actually READ the studies their writers quote, because I did. How about scientists making babies with the DNA of three people? Why stop at three? This is happening--for the safety of the babies, of course--so what does God’s Word say? What does God say about a former abortionist who let the Lord back into his heart and now tells the world about his turning point, from a man who was ready to suffocate a little baby born alive--a baby who went on to live!--to a man