The Todd Herman Show

EXCLUSIVE: Men WILL body search your wife and daughter at airports. Amber Krabach joins. Episode_862



If anyone is curious what the stopping point is for men who think they are women trampling real women I can tell you with absolute certainty, there isn’t one. Men are raping women in prisons, as we have discussed in this show with a prison chaplain -- but, many people have said, “that won’t affect me, I won’t be going to prison.” A boy pretending to be non-binary raped two girls in government schools, and the schools tried to cover that up, even getting the dad of one victim arrested for speaking about it at a school board meeting. But, many people have said, “well, my kids go to private schools, that won’t affect me.” Since there is no stopping point save for us stopping it in a godly way, we now have this: my friend, Amber was just forced by DHS “officers” to let a man body search her at the airport; Amber has been sexually assaulted, this was horrifying to her, she tried to get another person to search her. Amber was told by these “officers” she had to be searched by the man pretending to be a woman or she