The Todd Herman Show

5 questions about the girl Joe Bidens bosses chose to run the CDC and why The Party needs Walensky clones Episode 874



5 questions for the GIRL Joe Biden’s bosses chose to run the CDC and why The Party needs Walensky clones.You probably observe the same pattern: so-called “public ‘health’” officials are one of two types of people: evil and scheming or compliant supplicants to evil and scheming. Is this nature of nurture? I think it’s both. Our medical schools are co-opted by pharma, the public health system is co-opted by pharma, our CDC and FDA ARE pharma. They all nurture well meaning young people into becoming either evil and scheming or compliant servants of evil schemers. This has never been more clear than in the case of the girl--and, she is quite clearly too immature to be called a woman--whom the people who run Joe Biden want as the FigureHead over the CDC. Oh . . . if people think this is just about Covid, please let me remind you that this girl and people like her are the same people who will be told to approve brain implants in people, mRNA in food supplies, mosquitoes spreading mRNA against people’s wishes and mo