Large Marge Sent Us

Toy Soldiers



The Sweeties are back! (again!) I know we're a broken record but this time it was for good reason as we announced today the upcoming birth of a new Sweetie boy joining the family! Will he be called Sweetie II? Sweeti Jr? Sweetee? Only time will tell. Today however, we watched Toy Soldiers from 1991--a movie often confused with Small Soldiers (which is actually about toys), which takes place in a prep school that has been overtaken by Colombian drug terrorists. Following the classic 90s trope of giving kids way too many responsibilities for their own good, this movie features one of our faves: Sean Astin aka grown up Mikey from the Goonies as bad boy Billy and his posse of fellow bad boys. After a Colombian drug lord's son takes over the school, the boys must band together to save the day. Packed with action, boys in underwear, phone sex lines, and what can be classified as a pretty "cushy" hostage situation, this movie really delivers some thrills. Come join us as we talk about spotting our favorite 90s thing