Mason Vera Paine

Celebrating The 70th Anniversary of The Small Business Administration



The Small Business Administration is an invaluable resource for those seeking to launch their own business; but many are unaware of how exactly it can help you. Region Five Administrator, Geri Sanchez Aglipay; gives insights on the Small Business Administration and how it can help you. For information about the services SBA provides, visit: SBA.govLike the SBA on Twitter at: and Follow on SBA on Facebook at: SBA 70th Anniversary Transcription 00:00 – Announcer: Mason Vera Paine. 00:09 - Mason Paine: In today's evolving entrepreneurial landscape, the importance of understanding the resources available to business owners is detrimental. One organization that has constantly supported the cause of small business is the Small Business Administration. This year marks a significant milestone for the SBA as it celebrates its 70th annivers