Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Bizarre Murder and Human Trafficking Investigation.



Bizarre Murder and Human Trafficking Investigation. His Street Cop Career. Retired Police Officer, He Fought Crime as a Street Cop. He talks about investigating a bizarre Murder, Human Trafficking and much more from his career. He retired from the Mount Clements and City of Marysville Police Departments, which are suburbs of Detroit Michigan. During his career as a street cop he fought crime at all levels including investigating murders and sex crimes. Jim talks about two cases he worked, one was a bizarre murder case where a son killed his father and the other was a sex crimes case that turned into an in depth human trafficking case. Jim also talks about the long term effects on him from being exposed to repeated trauma and violence.  Jim took his experiences and wrote a book called "Echoes in Eternity: Street Cop Stories". Be sure to check out our website. If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend or two, or three about it. If you are able to leave an honest rating and, or, review it would be appreciated.