Asians Represent!

Episode 4: How to Play as an Asian Character (If You Aren't Asian) ft. Clio Yun-Su Davis



Daniel and Agatha sat down with Clio Yun-Su Davis, a game designer, and interactive media writer, to discuss how to play as Asian characters if you aren't Asian. In particular, they talked about The Long Drive Back from Busan, a two-hour long freeform game about members of a k-pop boy group struggling with balancing their ambitions with the sacrifices they have made for their careers. Learn more about Clio on Twitter @cysdavis and learn more about their work at If you have questions about this episode’s theme, the games discussed, or anything else related to Asians Represent, get in touch with us on Twitter @aznsrepresent, Facebook/aznsrepresent, or at Music: Intro: Good Vibes by DJ Quads Outro: Explore by Ikson