Peace In My Pocket Guided Meditations

Episode 35: Self-Healing Meditation


Synopsis Today's meditation is a self-healing meditation. Healing is hard, which is why most people avoid it or don't even know how to face it. And most people I meet don't fully grasp the concept of healing, especially self-healing. So in today's episode, I thought I would discuss it a bit further and offer you a self-healing meditation. In The Courage To Be You, I refer to six emotional wounds that get stuck in the body: Abandonment, rejection, betrayal, uncertainty or change, judgment, or criticism, and failure. When we are avoiding our pain, we do three things. We distract ourselves, which means we busy ourselves, move our attention and distract ourselves from feeling that inner disturbance or inner pain. We react, which means we emotionally react. We cry, we scream, we get angry. Or we contract. And by contract, I mean we withdraw into ourselves. We shut down, and we just push everything down. We internalize everything. We go quiet.