Little Known Facts With Ilana Levine

Episode 355 - Young Playwrights Ukraine



In the fall and winter of 2021/2022 Laura Cahill taught screenwriting to 8 young acting students from Kyiv on Zoom in English. Their last class was February 6th, 2022. The war started 18 days later. Most of the students fled their homes. Laura reunited with her students and started teaching them playwriting. On May 1st, she started teaching a second playwriting class that had been advertised on a a Telegram channel for art programs for Ukrainian Youth. It was supposed to last four weeks. Most of those students were still in Ukraine, but some had fled. The May class went so well, they decided to keep going, so on June 1st, the two classes came together and formed Young Playwrights Ukraine. On July 24th, six months after the war started, they had a reading of 18 short works with professional actors on Zoom for an audience. The cast included noted actors David Morse, Cara Buono, Ann Dowd, Kevin Corrigan, Misha Brooks, Bridgette Lundy-Paine, Ivanna Sakhno, Stefanie Lavie Owens, Oona Laurence and others. The play