Learning Unboxed

002: Engineers Helping Educators (& Other Partnerships for Reimagining Education) | with Rich Rosen



Rich Rosen is the Founder of Indigo Systems, an organization founded to mobilize practicing engineers to use systems analysis and design skills to address education problems in their local community.At the heart of Rich’s work is the idea of “engineers helping educators,” and today we discuss the role of both engineers and organizational partnerships in our efforts to reimagine, rethink, and redesign the educational system.We unbox:How Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America for a Brighter Economic Future catalyzed Rich’s shift from healthcare to educationCreating partnerships between education and businesses – and why it’s necessary“A good idea doesn’t spread just because it’s a good idea.”The built-in systems of constraints endemic to our schoolsChanging the landscape of education through a focus on STEMFinding the best and highest use of an organization, beyond moneyBringing the concept of R&D to educationBest practices for business-education partnerships that allow for crea