Learning Unboxed

186. Discovering Passions and Pursuing Interests: The Joy of Self-Directed Learning at Clonlara School with April Huard



In this episode of Learning Unboxed, we're exploring the innovative world of self-directed learning with April Huard, the Executive Director of Clonlara School, a K-12 institution that empowers students to take charge of their own education. Starting as a small homeschooling collective, Clonlara School has expanded to multiple campuses across the United States with a mission to transform education on a global scale.April shares insights on the self-directed learning model, which allows students to choose their projects and follow their interests while being supported by facilitators who guide them through the learning process. She also addresses the challenges they face, such as misconceptions about self-directed learning and scaling their model to include more students.One of the core values of Clonlara School is joy, and April talks about the immense joy she finds in her work, witnessing students discovering their passions and families expressing gratitude for the transformations they've seen in the