Learning Unboxed

192. Chief AI Officers: One example of an incredible new role our kids may aspire to, and what it means for us



In this fascinating episode of Learning Unboxed, we delve deep into the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its profound implications for our future.Joining us is Sanjay Saigal, Executive Director for Affiliates and Research Engagement at Stanford Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME), brings us the rich history of AI, the democratization of this powerful tool, and its evolving user interface. He also sheds light on the critical role humanities play in steering the ethical questions and decision-making processes involved in AI use.We’re also joined by Jasmine De Gaia, a Global Product Strategy and Technology Executive in Banking and Financial Services, shares her insights from the business world and the increasing integration of AI in her field. She underscores the necessity for strategists and technologists to deploy AI meaningfully and ethically while maximizing organizational value.We talk about the pressing need for a Chief AI Officer to manage the ethical, strategic, and t