Start The Beat With Sikes

Clinton Clegg of The Commonheart (Episode 454)



Hello, people of the internet! I hope you are all doing well, and thank you for coming to hang out with me today! For those of you who are new here, welcome to Start The Beat. A podcast documenting the past, present, and future of the Pittsburgh music scene. I am your host, Brian Sikes Howe, and today we will be talking with my friend Clinton Clegg of The Commonheart. I’m stoked to share today's conversation with all of you. Clinton is such a cool dude, and talks like this remind me why I’m still doing this podcast after all these years. I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to have this conversation, and I think you will be delighted that you took the time today to check it out. This is a good one. The Commonheart is Soul/Rock revival invoking emotion through tone and energy from Pittsburgh, PA This episode is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, and wherever you listen to podcasts. Links available at