The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

533 Selling You And Your Firm To Job Candidates



 Once upon a time in Japan there would be a thick pile of resumes sitting on your desk for you to go through and select the new potential hires for interview.  You would conduct rounds of meetings, put them to the test in certain skill sets and then make a studied decision to bring onboard the best person.  They were nervous and you had all the power in the discussion.  They were selling you on them and why they should be selected.  Ah, those fond memories of days gone by. Today, unless you are some mega firm in Japan, highly attractive to job candidates, you are unlikely to be getting many resumes at all and the quality is usually not that great.  Instantly, you are in a bad place, because your selection horizon is limited and the scope is narrow.  The other interesting thing is that candidates cancel the meetings with barely any notice or don’t even bother to show up or do show up and try to auction the process, so they can get more dough somewhere esle.  Many bosses come up through the ranks from technical