Trail Correspondents

S4 Episode #12 | Lessons Learned



Welcome back to Trail Correspondents! You’ll certainly find a noticeable theme throughout these clips - especially with those who are completing their first long trail, that it’s difficult to sum up in words what’s been learned.  The duration of time a thru hike requires is definitely enough to cause a thorough change within a person - it’s so all-encompassing and transforming that it’s hard to nail down exactly who and what you were before embarking on your journey. It requires re-acclimation to the life you left in order to reorient who you’ve become.  On that note, let’s get into what our correspondents have to say on the matter. Their closeness to the essence of this kind of experiential change is sure to be captivating… In today's episode we hear from: Abbey Turnbull Harking from the South Coast of the UK, Abbey, aged 26, is swapping the rolling hills of the South Downs for the mountains of the Pacific Crest. A thru-hike of the JMT last year confirmed what she thought to be true – hiking from Mexico to C