Real Crime Profile

#464: The Murder of Kristi Johnson | Part 2



We continue our conversation with Terry Hall and Kirk Johnson, who are extremely concerned that Victor Paleologus, the man who murdered their daughter Kristi, will be granted his freedom despite a rampant history of violent crimes against women. Weighing in also is Cathy DeBuono, a former actress, who had a near miss with this offender and has been involved with supporting the Justice For Kristi campaign. Laura warns about the dangers of not properly assessing an offender like this who is up for parole and what she thinks should be done before that hearing. Terry talks about the cases of other women who were violently attacked by Victor Paleologus and given a slap on the wrist, which allowed him to be free to murder Kristi.  Kirk talks about being in the courtroom during the trial, hearing all the witnesses and observing the jury, and the backroom machinations of the defense attorney. He and Terry explain why they were convinced to agree to the plea deal offered to VP and the bro