Satellite Sisters

Tutus! Spies! Trumpets! Season 18 Premiere Replay Hilarity



Our Season Premiere from 2018 has it all: Serena Williams' tutu on Center Court at the US Open, spies using microwaves to cook our brains and a design trend in supermarkets that we against. Plus Lian takes in a night at the Hollywood Bowl with John Williams and Steven Spielberg. In Entertaining Sisters, we loved, laughed and cried through Crazy Rich Asians and are also very excited about three trailers we saw for new fall movies about music: A Star Is Born with Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga! Bohemian Rhapsody starring Rami Malek about the life of Freddie Mercury! And Blaze a new movie from Ethan Hawke. Lian recommends two books: Alternate Side by Anna Quindlen and The Storytellers Secret by Sejel Badani.  Sign up for our weekly newsletter PEP TALK here. Go the the Satellite Sisters website here Go to the Satellite Sisters You Tube Channel here. The Satellite Sisters Shop for all kinds of gifts and merchandise is here. For Lost and Found in Paris and all books by Lian Dolan, go to her website here. For all of