Monster Party




MONSTER PARTY GOES ON A TACTILE TIRADE! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, make their case for what is clearly the most reliable way to get, and keep, your favorite movies and TV shows! When it comes to media, MONSTER PARTY says... LET'S GET PHYSICAL!!! In this episode, MONSTER PARTY salutes physical media in all its forms. We're look at the early days of 8mm, Super 8 films, and 16mm films, the Betamax vs. VHS war, the birthof bonus supplements with the introduction of the laserdisc, the incredibly brief run of the stylus based videodisc, the DVD and Blu-ray revolution, the selective appeal of home 3-D, and try to answer the question, "To 4K or not to 4K?" And if that were not enough white-hot format talk for you, we even sing the praises of the Viewmaster, and it's predecessors, the Stereoscope and Stereoopticon! Joining us for this audio innoculation for "streamingitis" is not only an expert on the subject of phsical media, but a man who is nothing short of showbiz nobility. He's