Glass Box Podcast

Ep 132 — Freemasonry, Book of Abraham, and Polygamy – Saints: The Standard of Truth-iness pt. 8



Runnin solo today! While Shannon continues to recover we’re going to take the opportunity to do a segment that sent Shan to hospital in the first place! That’s right, we’re back in Saints: The Standard of Truth, the new, authorized history of Joseph Smith and his early religious movement. That’s it. That’s all we’re doing this episode! We talk missionaries in Europe, political machinations, President Martin Van Buren, polygamy, the endowment ceremony, Freemasonry, The Book of Abraham, so many other gems! This period of April 1839-April 1842 is one of the most complicated and adaptive periods of Joseph’s ministry and we hold on with the edge of our finger tips as the book rips us through it, hoping we aren’t stopping to smell the shitpiles the book conspicuously ignores along the journey.   If you want to cohost the next episode, shoot me an email! Or get in touch on the Patreon feed or through social media!   Show Notes:  Warsaw Signal Archive (ThomASS Sharp)