Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Warning Signs Of Child Abuse. Abused As A Child, His Story.



Warning Signs Of Child Abuse. Abused As A Child, He Shares His Story. He was physically abused by an adopted parent and sexually abused for years. Hunter Allen is our guest. He talks about being given up for adoption as a young child plus the years of both sexual abuse and the physical beatings that he endured. We also discuss the stereotypical warning signs of child abuse, and that most of them were not part of his story. Hunter discusses the real warning signs of child abuse that we all should know, and what to do if you suspect child abuse. Plus, he also discusses how the years of trauma motivates him to help others today with self defense training at TIG Tactical. Never miss out on an episode of the Law Enforcement Talk Podcast subscribe to our free email newsletter, never more than 2 issues a week sent out. Click here and scroll down about halfway. Be sure to check out our website. If you enjoy the show, please tell a friend or two, or three about it. If you are able to leave an honest rating and, or, re