Thoth-hermes Podcast

S10-E3 – Anthroposophy, Elementals and more-Thomas Mayer



Episode Three, Season Ten of the Thoth-Hermes podcast explores facets of Higher Worlds and the Anthroposophical traditiom. Today, Rudolf meets with Thomas Mayer, Anthroposophical teacher, author and direct democracy activist. In Thomas’s words, “you will meet the people you want to meet” which is an ongoing theme in this conversation. Thomas “met” Rudolf Steiner at the age of 15, reading “How to Know Higher Worlds”; 44 years later, he is an Anthroposophical meditation teacher, with his partner Agnes Hardorp. Thomas recently published “Answering the Call of the Elementals” which is intended as a lively workbook to intentionally strengthen a practitioner’s connection to those Beings. In their discussion, Thomas and Rudolf explore the path of supersensible perceptual development. Steiner’s work incorporated and influenced many aspects of esotericism; its wide-ranging impact is felt in the breadth of the interview. Topics range from the theme of the “I”/”Ich”, to organic architecture, to the Akashic records, to s