Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

3 Changes Small Business Owners Need to Make for Their Podcast Needs to Thrive



Let’s talk about when you get that sneaky feeling that your podcast isn't quite hitting the mark. Maybe you're struggling to connect with your audience or struggling to find your voice and message. Or maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with the production process. Good news, that’s not just “what podcasting is.” It’s not a matter of getting through the hard, and “someday” it’ll be easier. To get to easier, you have to make some changes. The larger problem is that often, those changes get made at a content level and not a strategic level. That leaves you even more frustrated and even more disconnected from the results you want from your podcast.In this episode of The More Profitable Podcast, I’m sharing the three changes small business owners need to make to start generating, educating, and converting right-fit clients with their show while making the whole process much easier.1:05 - Why now is the time to ask these questions and make these changes4:50 - Listening to this podcast will not get you