Makom Israel Teachers Lounge

Drafting the Haredim into the IDF



Haredi DraftThe debate over drafting the Haredim, or ultra-Orthodox Jewish community in Israel, has been a contentious issue in the country for several decades. At its core, the debate revolves around the question of whether or not Haredi men should be subject to compulsory military service like the rest of the Israeli population. This issue stems from a historical exemption granted to the Haredi community, dating back to the founding of the state of Israel in 1948. The exemption was intended to encourage Haredi religious study, which is a central pillar of their way of life. However, over the years, this has sparked significant debate, with proponents arguing that it is necessary for a more equitable distribution of the burden of military service in Israel, while opponents claim that mandatory military service would undermine Haredi religious traditions and values.This debate is complex and multifaceted, touching on issues of religion, state, and citizenship. It reflects the broader tension in Israeli societ