Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 231: Living a More Courageous Life with Kate Courageous



Kate Courageous is back on the YKAL podcast, y’all! She was one of my first podcast guests, way back in 2013. She is a dear friend of mine, as well, and I am thrilled she is back, this time to share her thoughts on fear, courage, and the inner-critic.  Kate is also the author of The Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life. I am so happy her book is available! Today, we talk all about her new book and living more courageous lives. Plus, we cover the brain science behind courage habits, and identifying and then dealing with habits that are holding you back.  In this episode you’ll hear: Four fear patterns that get people stuck (4 minutes and 36 seconds) Some ways we try to deal with fear (10:25) The more you go into the things you fear, the wider your comfort zone becomes (17:07) Reaching out and creating a community, courage-based values, and being vulnerable (22:17) Fear is a wound and needs understanding and how to strike a balance with fear (34:39) Also