Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 235: Resolving Fear, Claiming Your Power, and Witchcraft Talk with Alionka Polanco



This week on the podcast Alionka Polanco joins me. She is an NYU-certified life and success coach, she is the founder The Big Vision Mastermind and author of "Beyond Profit: The Successful Woman's Guide to a Meaningful Life." Alionka and I have had a kindred friendship from afar for quite some time, including following each other and chatting on social media, and we even tried to meet up in real life (which sadly did not work out). That is why I am so excited to have her on the show. And, I am equally excited to share her amazing energy with you! In this episode we talk about living a fuller life, resolving fear, and getting clear on what you want. Plus, we talk all about our witch lineage, claiming the power of magic, and how the growth process can be a scary thing. In this episode you’ll hear: When Alionka realized she no longer needed to fit into a mold and how it made her feel (7 minutes and 58 seconds) Having the courage to get rid of what you don’t want and releasing what doesn’t serve you (12:10) On