Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 276: Be impractical



Well, hello there, ass kickers! I’m ESPECIALLY excited about today’s episode because it’s an episode that truly came from the fire in my heart. After a client session, I sat down, turned on the mic, and birthed a talk I think you’ll love. Special thanks to Kelly, who was open enough for me to use her session topic for this episode. In this episode you’ll hear: Kelly’s struggle with building self-trust and putting yourself out there Why there is no step-by-step process for building self-trust - whomp, whomp! But there is a way to gain self-trust (and its sister, self-confidence) What the ONE JOB is of your inner-critic Listening to your intuition vs. your inner-critic and stepping out of your comfort zone The importance of pursuing what makes you happy even if it seems impractical And if you loved this episode, you may want to check out working with me 1:1. There are three ways to do so: My longer, deeper work that focuses on curriculum stemmed from all of my training, including The Daring Way™ (methodo