Your Kick Ass Life Podcast

Episode 529: Embracing Your Authentic Self with Rae McDaniel



Rae McDaniel returns to the show to discuss topics covered in their new book, “Gender Magic: Live Shamelessly, Reclaim Your Joy, & Step into Your Most Authentic Self.” In this episode, Rae and I talk about how to move from anxiety and self-doubt to a proactive state of mind, the keys to developing self-love, and how to design relationships that light you up.  For those of you new to Rae McDaniel, let me tell you a little about them. Rae is a non-binary gender and sex therapist-turned-coach who works with transgender/non-binary/questioning folks feeling lost while transitioning their gender identity. Even if you are someone who is not non-binary, transgender, or questioning their identity - Rae and I talk about several topics that are relative to everyone. Definitely tune into this episode, I think you will enjoy it! Featured topics:  How to move from anxiety, self-doubt, and fear to a confident, proactive state of mind (4:41) Navigating discomfort and celebrating your inherent worth (14:05) How to design r