Cues Podcast

The Nine Dimensions of Climate



In the latest episode of the CUES Podcast, Lesley Sears defines the differences between climate and culture and explains how they together create the workplace your staff members experience every day. VP/consulting for CUES, Sears then rises to the challenges of describing each of the nine elements of climate in two minutes or less. In that short span, she defines each, explains what to look for if they’re healthy or unhealthy dimensions, and what to do to bring each along toward health. The nine dimensions of culture Sears highlights are: Challenge and engagement Freedom Trust and openness Idea time Playfulness and humor Conflict Idea support Debate Risk-taking Credit unions want high numbers for every dimension except conflict, Sears says.. “Debate is different than conflict,” she explains. “Debate is healthy conversation. Conflict is not healthy. So, it's the sniping. It happens when people genuinely don't like each other. There's a dislike in the climate. So again, as much as playfulness an